HB 1165 Would Change Everything We Know About Money, Privacy, and Health Freedom
UPDATED: April 4, 2023
At the last minute on Monday, April 3rd, the vote in Legislative Oversight committee for HCS HB 1165 was postponed by the committee chair, Rep. Knight. We hope this bill will not be taken up again in the rules committee again, but if so, we will keep you updated.
Our sincere thanks to EVERYONE who called and emailed the reps on this committee and respectfully voiced their concerns in calm, logical detail about this bill. We are so thankful for you!
March 31, 2023
Missouri HCS HB 1165, sponsored by Rep. Justin Hicks, adds a new article to and amends the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) in ways that could be harmful to personal liberty and privacy rights.
This bill was voted out of the General Laws committee and will be heard in Rules/Legislative Oversight Monday, April 3rd at 2:15 pm. We appreciate the courageous reps who voted “No” in General Laws: Rep. Brad Hudson, Rep. Ben Baker, Rep. Ron Copeland, and Rep. Aaron Crossley.
HCS HB 1165, written by a third party, would fundamentally change the financial definitions in Missouri’s Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) statutes, the comprehensive set of laws that governs ALL commercial transactions in the United States. This bill sets up a framework for contract payments using digital currency — but ONLY that which the government authorizes. It redefines “money”, “person”, and over a dozen key financial terms and authorizes biometrics and UNKOWN, emerging technologies.
This new definition of digital currency in the UCC would streamline the process of the adoption of CBDCs in all states.
A centralized, federal digital currency means the government could have complete control over ALL transactions — think vaccine passports.
Though this bill is not explicitly promoting a Central Bank Digital Currency, it is saying that the ONLY digital currency the UCC laws will legally recognize as “electronic payment” must be “issued by the government”.
HCS HB 1165 lays the groundwork for CBDC. It’s like building a highway, even though you might not have the cars to run on it.
In response to concern from the public and legislators about this bill, the sponsor presented a committee substitute and claimed to have taken out all references to the two words, “electronic money”. However, the substitute simply massaged the definitions of “money” and “controllable electronic record” so that nothing was actually changed with regard to which digital currencies will be accepted or not accepted after Article 12 is enacted.
Proponents claim that HCS HB 1165 update brings the UCC into the modern, digital world and if we don’t pass it Missouri will be left behind. This is to induce an element of urgency when we have actually been using digital currency for years. It’s just that private digital currencies are a threat to central banks because they can’t control them, just like they can’t control – or capture – gold, silver, and cash. So the purpose of this bill is to gain control. In fact, control is mentioned 303 times in HCS HB 1165.
The central banks want to encapsulate all of our financial transactions. They don’t want us to be able to make transactions outside of their system.
Creating an infrastructure for CBDCs through the UCC, then claiming that it has nothing to do with a centralized digital currency, is a well played tactic. The idea is to make these changes toward centralization in stages — to standardize systems, then create &/or commandeer the NGOs that provide the expertise or service. That way very few people can influence entire systems.
Here are a few examples:
-Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC)…ERIC was started with George Soros grant money. ERIC conducted a mass data gathering operation and the irony is Missouri taxpayers paid them to do it under the guise of convenience and expertise.
-Municipal building codes are standardized through the International Code Council. Many municipalities frequently update codes not knowing the poison baked into the updates.
-Our STATE drivers license is now outsourced to an international Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) through a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). Do you have any idea what the NGO does with your high resolution DL photograph that’s formatted for facial recognition?
HB 1165 is a Trojan Horse. We urge legislators to understand why it lays the groundwork for the kind of top-down control no one wants for themselves or their children.
HCS HB 1165 will also…
– Create status, standing and jurisdiction for “choice of law,” in the District of Columbia.
– Create new language that will require comprehensive knowledge of coding, law, and international contract law that is neither plain, nor equal among the laymen.
– Create significant gaps in the current understanding of tangible collateral currently held by debtors.
– Create an infrastructure for Central Bank Digital Currency without regulatory framework in place.
Where Did These UCC Changes Come From?
The Uniform Law Commission, a Chicago-based non-profit, is responsible for writing and updating the UCC code. The new amendments were written the summer of 2022 and rolled out to all states over the months that followed. Legislators were even told to “not read the bills”, that it was just a routine update.
Bills amending the UCC code have been filed in over 20 states.
Fortunately, legislators are waking up to what these UCC code changes actually do. South Dakota’s Governor Kristi Noem vetoed their UCC bill, HB 1193 which was almost identical to Missouri’s 1165. It died two weeks later when the S.D. legislature failed to override her veto. Governor Noem said in the days following her veto,
“It is being sold as a UCC guidelines update, but it essentially says that the only authorized digital currency would be the federal government’s.” — S.D. Governor Kristi Noem, March 9, 2023
We currently have no idea which type of CBDC the Fed intends to release AND we currently have no regulatory framework around transactional data, retail CBDC or anything preventing programmable dollars or smart contracts.
What should Missouri legislators do?
We should not create a path forward on digital currency until we have:
- Regulatory framework in place, and
- A clear idea of what type of CBDC we’re looking to adopt as a country.
Louisiana has still never adopted Article 2 of the UCC. Governor Noem said about the history of amendments to this code, “The UCC’s first iteration took twenty years to be adopted by each state. There is no reason South Dakota must adopt the changes made by HB 1193 under this purported deadline”.
This bill is the biggest threat to health freedom we face in Missouri.
What can you do?
Please contact these Legislative Oversight committee members and let them know you OPPOSE HCS HB 1165.
Rep. Jeff Knight 573-751-1490
Rep. Brad Hudson 573-751-3851
Rep. LaKeySha Bosley 573-751-6800
Rep. Cyndi Buchheit-Courtway 573-751-7735
Rep. Jamie Burger 573-751-5471
Rep. Deb Lavender 573-751-4392
Rep. Mike McGirl 573-751-2398
Rep. Bill Owen 573-751-2948
Rep. Adam Schnelting 573-751-5365
Rep. Sarah Unsicker 573-751-2883
Please do this TODAY — and share this post. Thank you for your commitment to protecting our privacy, our health freedom, for ourselves and our families here in Missouri.
— The IHC Legislative Team
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