May 6, 2023
Friday, May 5 was deadline for the Missouri legislature to pass the state budget. What is traditionally a session about spending ended up with many bill hurriedly debated and passed in both houses, some of which included amendments with language we have fought all session to block.
There was a bright spot, however! Amidst the bad amendments, Rep Bill Hardwick (R -District 121, Pulaski county) stood up to defend the people — not lobbyists and their big-money interests — but Missouri kids. He took the incredibly courageous action of adding this language that prohibits mandating Covid vaccines or any mRNA product in the childhood vaccine requirements in Section 167.181.
This is a video of Missouri House Rep. Hardwick presenting an amendment to SB 199.
Click the pic below to watch.
“I get a lot of eye-rolls, a lot of jeers for this being so important to me, but it is important….My constituents brought their concerns to me and I told them I’d address them. I told them I’d fight for them and that’s why I’m persistent about it.”
Representative Hardwick did what few legislators do. He represented the people, not the lobbyists. He represented all Missourians, both in his district and outside. He represented parents’ rights to refuse risky medical treatment for their children instead of bullying them into mandates. He and those who supported him by voting “yes” defended the Constitution.
Here is a screenshot of the actual amendment. Most of what you see is the existing statute. Rep. Hardwick’s amendment is underlined.
Here is the result of the roll call vote:
This move by this hardworking Missouri Rep was definitely a highlight of the session. This is a BIG deal and Rep. Hardwick deserves kudos! Thank you Rep. Hardwick for standing strong and courageously for our children! Also, kudos to Rep. Doug Richey (R – District 39, Clay county) for helping the dialog.
We would appreciate your prayers that this amendment stays on the bill as it goes back to the Senate.