What better way to share your love for health freedom! You can help us raise funds for organization and get a cool t-shirt too! What color will you buy? https://www.bonfire.com/store/ihcm/ Category: IHCM UpdateBy adminAugust 12, 2022Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Through the Eyes of a ScientistNextNext post:Should the Covid Vaccine be Required for School Attendance?Related PostsSec. Ashcroft Stands in the Gap for Health FreedomAugust 27, 2024The 3rd Annual IHCM “Happy, Healthy Generations” EXPOAugust 12, 2024School Choice: Missouri’s Deceptive New LawMay 9, 2024SB 727 – Benefit for Students or a Boon for Billionaires?April 23, 2024Action Alert: DEFUND Missouri’s $76.5 MILLION WHO LabApril 23, 2024School Choice…Or ElseApril 18, 2024