Jan. 4, 2024
Informed Health Choice has received numerous questions about the initiative petition proposed by Freedom Principle MO in October, Missourian’s Right to Informed Consent.
IHC opposes this IP because does nothing. Rather than limiting government, which is the purpose of constitutions, this IP attempts to limit our rights by making a list of what someone thinks our rights are. We urge you to consider the questions and answers below and to compare the many words written in this IP with the simple language of the 4th Amendment.
Petition Text, Filed with the Missouri Secretary of State Oct. 3, 2023:
Section 36.1. This section shall be known as “The Right to Informed Consent”.
Informed consent includes the right to be informed about exposure to mRNA and/or gene-altering therapies and medical technologies or treatments.
Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged to any person in this state because of the exercise of the rights ensured by this section. Nothing in this section shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion.
1. Can the Federal Government mandate an individual’s health care decisions, including vaccines?
NO – “The right of the people to be secure in their persons . . . shall not be violated.” 4th Amendment to the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution.
Congress has never mandated vaccines. The US Supreme Court struck down OSHA’s mandates as being without authority. CMS withdrew their mandates making the issue moot. CMS cannot reinstate them because of the OSHA ruling and lack of authority from Congress.
But the 4th Amendment states that “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, . . . against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.”
YES – Reasonable search and seizure are allowed when there is probable cause to suspect you have committed a crime. The crime must be defined with penalties, written into law by our elected representatives so that everyone has notice and can refrain from committing that crime. Our right to be secure in our persons is absolute unless we commit a crime.
What crime do we commit by deciding the medical treatments we allow to our own body? None. There is no law making this a crime. Would you elect people to office who make this a crime?
2. Can Missouri mandate an individual’s health care decisions, including vaccines?
NO – The Bill of Rights and 4th Amendment apply to the states. See also, Missouri’s Bill of Rights Article 1, Section 15.
To their credit, Governor Parson and the Missouri legislature never attempted to mandate Covid-19 shots or masks. They understand their Constitutional limits. The right to be secure in one’s person applies to all ages, children and adults.
3. Can the Federal Government or Missouri require employers to mandate an employee’s health care decisions, including vaccines?
NO – Government cannot require anyone to violate your rights. OSHA and CMS employer mandates were illegal.
4. Then why did employers mandate Covid-19 shots?
Most employers did not mandate. Those that did were incentivized by Federal payments to violate employee’s rights – these were primarily large corporations and hospitals.
Is this legal? Absolutely not! Government cannot pay someone to violate your rights.
What can you do about this? Sue your employer and work for employers who respect you.
5. Aren’t most workers “employees at will?” Can my employer fire me for any reason or no reason?
YES they can unless you have a contract. However, requiring an employee to do anything to their body under threat of losing their job is assault and battery under the common law. Negligence may also apply if you comply and are injured. You can sue your employer for violating your rights and for injuries. Such lawsuits are occurring.
6. Why haven’t I heard about these lawsuits?
There is a reporting blackout because almost all of mainstream media’s advertising budget comes from Big Pharma. They don’t want you to know vaccines are dangerous. They don’t want you to know your rights.
7. Does Freedom Principle’s Initiative Petition strengthen my Constitutional rights?
NO, it does not. This initiative petition lists what Freedom Principle thinks it means to be secure in your person. What have they forgotten to include? How will their words be interpreted? “Including but not limited to. . .” is a term used in contracts not constitutions. The 4th Amendment language that your right to be secure in your person shall not be violated is broad and limitless.
8. The IP says I have a right to refuse interventions, a right to informed consent, and the right to be informed. Does this strengthen my rights and tell government to respect them?
NO – you already have these rights, telling you that you have them is meaningless.
The IP should tell the government what they are not allowed to do. (See the Bill of Rights).
9. What is the effect of the last paragraph of the IP which states that “(e)quality of rights under the law shall not be denied” for exercising my rights to refuse and to be informed?
NOTHING – You already have this right. Government cannot deny you due process or equal protection of the laws. (Bill of Rights, 14th Amendment of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights to the Missouri constitution).
10. Does this IP prohibit employers from mandating health decisions?
NO – Federal and state constitutions are the people’s agreement with government. Constitutions set out the authority and limits of government.
Matters between private citizens fall under the common law and state statutes. Risk of liability keeps employers from mandating.
11. Does the IP guarantee labeling and disclosure of mRNA and gene therapy in medical products and treatments?
NO – This must be done by statute. Constitutions apply to the government not private business. The government does not make or sell these products; therefore, they are not in a position to label or even know what is in them.
The Missouri Attorney General can enforce product safety laws and people injured by these products can sue. Risk of liability keeps dangerous products off the market.
We hope this information helps you evaluate the proposed Initiative Petition called Missourian’s Right to Informed Consent.
We suggest reading the Bill of Rights to the US Constitution.
and the bill of rights to the Missouri Constitution.
Share this information with attorneys and ask them.
US Supreme Court opinions are available at https://www.supremecourt.gov/ (Biden v. Missouri 1/13/2022; National Federation of Independent Business v. OSHA 1/13/22) Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 US 11 (1905) https://www.loc.gov/item/usrep197011/
This IP came out of nowhere in September 2023 and has not been vetted or studied by the legislature. Most voters will not know anything about it until they see it for the first time on the ballot.
Informed Health Choice