April 23, 2024
Missouri House members just passed a bill to fund a $76.5 MILLION World Health Organization “One Health” Laboratory. This bill is now moving quickly through the Senate.
Call your Missouri Senator today. Tell them to remove this item from HB 2020! Missouri should not be spending a dime, let alone $76.5 MILLION, to establish anything connected to the WHO!
One Health wants to use our Missouri tax dollars to implement its global woke agenda.
According to the One Health website, “Government officials, researchers and workers across sectors at the local, national, regional and global levels should implement joint responses to health threats. This includes developing shared databases and surveillance across different sectors, and identifying new solutions that address the root causes…promote risk-reducing habits and attitudes, and to support early detection and containment of disease threats. — World Health Organization, Sept 12, 2017
With just 3 weeks left in session, this bill is moving fast. Public hearings in the Senate are scheduled for Tues, Wed, Thurs, and Fri – THIS WEEK!!
CALL your senator and the Senate Appropriations Committee members TODAY!
Tell them to remove the language in HB 2020, page 26, section 20.610 which appropriates $76.5 million dollars to the Dept. of Health and Senior Services for the design and construction of a multi-agency One Health Laboratory Campus.
Find your Senator here: https://www.senate.mo.gov/LegisLookup/Default
Senate Appropriations Committee members:
Sen. Lincoln Hough, Chairman 573-751-1311
Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer, Vice-Chairman 573-751-2183
Sen. Lauren Arthur 573-751-5282
Sen. Jason Bean 573-751-4843
Sen. Rusty Black 573-751-1415
Sen. Justin Brown 573-751-5713
Sen. Mike Cierpiot 573-751-1464
Sen. Sandy Crawford 573-751-8793
Sen. Karla Eslinger 573-751-1882
Sen. Karla May 573-751-3599
Sen. Holly Rehder 573-751-2459
Sen. Barbara Washington 573-751-3158
Sen. Brian Williams 573-751-4106
PLEASE call TODAY! Thank you!
IHC Legislative Team
Link to the committee website: https://www.senate.mo.gov/Committees/CommitteeDetails/3h
Bill language: https://documents.house.mo.gov/billtracking/bills241/hlrbillspdf/2020H.04P.pdf