State of Missouri Capitol building in Jefferson City, Missouri photo taken by K.Trimble

Our Commitment

Our 501c4, Informed Health Choice (IHC) is committed to:

1 – – Empower individual Missouri citizens to make their own free choice regarding health matters without coercion.
2 – – Fighting against barriers for practitioners’ rights to practice.
3 – – Restoring parents’ rights.

4 – – Preserving vaccine choice for all generations.
5 – – Guarding religious freedom.

IHC is also committed to working with all public and private entities in local communities to:

1 – – Promote reliable information on current and proposed laws and regulations of the State of Missouri and how these impact personal freedom and free choice.

2 – – Enable greater access to reliable health services and health information about vaccines, masks, immunity, parental rights, children’s health, pharmaceuticals and medicines, medical and religious exemptions and scientific findings among other important related issues.

  • Sec. Ashcroft Stands in the Gap for Health Freedom

    Update 8/29/2024, 12:55 pm

    Yesterday, for a second time, Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft rejected an emergency amendment filed by the Departmet of Public Safety regarding the DHSS embargo on hemp-derived cannabis products. Secretary Ashcroft said the Parson administration failed to provide the required legal justification for the emergency amendment.

    We are thankful that Secretary Ashcroft used his authority to stop this emergency amendment. Had it been allowed to go through, it would have done much more than enforce a DHSS embargo on hemp products. It would have given blanket authority to DHSS to control the products available to consumers. The Secretary of State’s job per Missouri statute RSMo 536.025 is to hold the governor’s agencies accountable to provide “specific facts, reasons, and findings which support the agency’s conclusion” that any emergency rules they file meet the statutory requirements.

    Update 8/28/2024, 11: 20 am

    On Thursday, August 22nd, the Department of Public Safety refiled the emergency amendment mentioned in the article below with a revised emergency statement.

    We have also learned that the proposed version of the amendment, titled 11 CSR 70-2.120 mentioned in the article below and with the same text, will be published as filed on August 16th in the October 1st edition of the Missouri Register. Since the publication date of a proposed rule in the bi-monthly Missouri Register triggers the 30-day comment period, the comment period for this proposed rule will begin October 1st. Stay tuned for an action alert opposing that rule.


    A big story is taking place right now in the office of administrative rules. Earlier this month, Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft blocked a Public Safety Emergency Amendment (meaning a change to an existing rule) that would give blanket authority to DHSS to control the products available to consumers.

    The rule includes this sentence. “No retailer shall sell, or deliver, hold or offer for sale any food, drug, device or cosmetic that has been embargoed by the Department of Health and Senior Services pursuant to [state statute.]”

    This means DHSS could embargo “any food, drug, device, or cosmetic” and take it off the market without future rule promulgating procedures.

    With no bill or even a new rule, DHSS could forbid the selling of locally produced farm products, or any other product the government doesn’t like.

    Secretary Ashcroft blocked the “emergency” version of this amendment, which would have made it immediately enforceable. The only thing Public Safety can do now is publish the Proposed version, which would require a month of public comment and JCAR oversight before becoming permanent.

    The comment period for this proposed rule doesn’t start until it is published in the bi-monthly Missouri Register. The Aug 31st issue is due any day. If this rule change appears in that edition, IHC will issue a call to action asking everyone to submit a public comment to Public Safety opposing it.

    What can you do now? Write a letter to Secretary Ashcroft and thank him for standing up for Missourians by blocking this unconstitutional rule filed by the Department of Public Safety. We appreciate principled public servants who take their oath seriously.

    Secretary John Ashcroft
    State Information Center
    PO Box 1767, Third Floor
    Jefferson City, MO 65102

HB 2381 – Tell Your Missouri Rep to Vote NO!

Tuesday Jan 30, 2024

HB 2381 (Rep. Chris Brown – R), the “Protecting Missouri’s Small Businesses Act” is scheduled

 for debate on the floor of the Missouri House of Representatives today. This bill, however, only helps businesses if government is given authority to close them in the first place.

The language sprinkled throughout this bill creates a foundation in statute that political subdivisions and agencies are within their authority to repeat the illegal actions taken during the Covid shutdowns in 2020. 

Those assumptions are reinforced through language like the highlighted sections below on pages 1 and 2.

The real problem in Missouri is that our legislators think they can do anything UNLESS the Constitution says they can’t. Whenever legislators consider bills, they instead should be asking, “What is our authority to do this? What are we allowed to do?

“Health emergency” is not in the Constitution as being within their authority. We never gave government authority to close our businesses, deny us our livelihoods, take our property, lock us in our homes, deny us due process and equal protection of the laws. Read again the Bill of Rights which applies to the States through the 14th amendment.

What protects businesses from unlawful closures?

The US and Missouri Constitutions are the best protection against government overreach and unlawful business closures that violate due process and equal protection of the law.
The current and very old state of emergency statute in Missouri is very protective of people’s rights but was not followed during the state of emergency in 2020. The closing of private businesses that occurred were illegal and outside of government’s constitutional authority.

Those who write legislation like HB 2381 think they are helping, but they are making things worse. Bills like this reinforce the false assumption that the state and local governments can close businesses for emergencies. In return, government reduces license fees and real estate taxes for the time the business is shut down. That doesn’t compensate them for lost sales and fixed costs they bear to keep the business open.

Instead of writing deceptive bills like this, Missourians would be better served by our legislature studying what was done in 2020 and making sure government never does it again.

Call your Missouri House Representative and tell them to vote NO on HB 2381. You can find your House member here:

IHCM Legislative Team

Only A Few Weeks Left to Challenge DHSS Regulations!

August 8, 2023

Please click this link to read our latest Action Alert! Comments are needed before the August 31 deadline!

1) SS SCS SB 41 –
Sen. Rehder — Urgent!

Pharmacists Authorized to Administer Additional Vaccines

ACTION NEEDED  This is our #1 priority bill right now. On Monday 4/17/2023, it will be voted on in Executive Session in the House Health and Mental Health Policy committee –(12:00 p.m. HR 6).
Please call and email the committee members and urge them to vote NO on SS SCS SB 41. Scroll down for details about this bill.

Rep. Mike Stephens, Chair 573-751-1347

Rep. Lisa Thomas 573-751-1119

Rep. LaDonna Appelbaum 573-751-4183

Rep. Phil Amato 573-751-2504

Rep. Doug Clemens 573-751-1832

Rep. Bennie Cook 573-751-2264

Rep. Michael Davis 573-751-2175

Rep. Jo Doll 573-751-1285

Rep. Dave Griffith 573-751-2412

Rep. Ann Kelley 573-751-2165

Rep. Patty Lewis 573-751-2437

Rep. Tara Peters 573-751-1446

Rep. Adam Schwadron 573-751-2949

Rep. Dale Wright 573-751-3455

Bill Summary:

SS SCS SB 41 would authorize pharmacists to administer a wider range of vaccines and removes oversight from a physician. It also does the same with medication therapeutics, giving pharmacists unprecedented authority over the health of Missourians.

Pharmacists and Vaccines

Pharmacists have been authorized by Missouri law to give a small list of vaccines for the past several years. SS SCS SB 41, however, expands that list from 9 to the entire list of vaccines approved or authorized by the FDA, with a little over a dozen exceptions.

Here is the list of vaccines approved or authorized by the FDA:

During a state of emergency, however, the list becomes open-ended. The bill says pharmacists “may order and administer vaccines approved or authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to address a public health need…”. No exceptions. No minimum age requirements. The FDA is the authority during a state of emergency.

It’s not just about pharmacists, however….

The most troubling part of this bill is that pharmacists are not the only ones giving these vaccines. Right now, through a regulation promulgated in 2021, pharmacy techs and interns can give any vaccine pharmacists can give, as long as they are under supervision by a pharmacist (which means the pharmacist is on-site). Pharmacy techs in Missouri can be as young as 18.

This part of the bill refers to that regulation:

Here is the regulation authorizing administration by techs and interns in the Missouri Code of State Regulations — go to pg. 5 and scroll down to 20 CSR 2150-5.025 “Administration of Vaccines Per Protocol”

SS SCS SB 41, in other words, expands what pharmacists and do AND what their staff can do. This means that someone as young as 18, a pharmacy tech, could be giving your seven year-old any of the vaccines listed in this bill. And, if the CDC has their way, that list of vaccines will include all of the vaccines on the childhood schedule for children as young as 3.

Pharmacy techs and interns must receive training before giving these jabs, but they are still not pharmacists…or doctors…or nurses. This bill is NOT just about pharmacists doing what they have done for a decade. It’s about pharmacists and their staff doing things they were never initially trained to do.

Here is a link to the current language for this bill, the Senate substitute:

Please help educated the legislators on the list about what this bill would do. Please follow the action steps TODAY!

2) SB 7 – Sen. Rowden — Urgent!

Creates a Chief Data Officer Position – Centralizing Data and CONTROL

ACTION NEEDED  This is on Senate formal calendar.
Please call and email your Missouri Senator and tell them to vote NO on SB 7 on the Senate floor.

Find your Missouri Senator here. Scroll down for more details on SB7.

Bill Summary:

SB 7 is a data grab with one official in charge of it all.

The Chief Data Officer (CDO), which would be created in Missouri if SB 7 is passed, is not about protecting the data the government has voluntary and involuntary taken. The CDO is a new trend to collect more data and create an Open Data system, that reaches to the Federal level.

For the past decade, the federal government has pushed toward making more data publicly available. As Bill Eggers, one of the co-authors of A CDO Playbook, A Guide for Chief Data Officers, said in the recent interview,

“…[Collecting data] goes beyond just economic benefits to literally saving lives, in many respects. If you look at the health care sector alone, it collects an immense amount of data. You’ve got genomic data, electronic health records, clinical trial data, not to mention all of the patient-generated data from all the technologies like smart watches and mobile apps. So, the health care world is truly a data-rich landscape. But right now, the data exists in silos due to privacy concerns, competitive concerns, and barriers to interoperability and so forth. You could literally save millions of lives if we can figure out how to bring all that data together, and government plays a big role in this because government has a lot of the data. Increasingly, government can be the platform for bringing together a lot of the public and private data.

This is why they need government.

Other state Governments have implemented a CDO, and are giving direction to other states on how to establish one. Federal agencies are implementing CDOs.

As this Beeck Center publication from 2020 explains,

“Open data extends beyond transparency by providing easy, open, and self-service access to datasets for which there are no legal restrictions to data sharing.” — The Evolving Role of the State Chief Data OfficerA Framework for Today (Tyler Kleykamp, State CDO Network, The Beeck Center)

Everyone knows that data is the new gold. The more the government collects, the more they can control us.

As James Holderman with Stand for Health Freedom explains,

“States all across the country are creating data repositories in order to make citizens’ personal/private information available through citizens’ DIGITAL IDENTITY profiles, which are also being simultaneously created.

Private companies, which do not have to respect a citizen’s constitutionally-protected rights, are going to require and/or coerce citizens to divulge more and more of this personal/private information, which will include not only government-held information, but, location tracking, biometrics, past transactions, etc. And, that is just on the identity front.

These digital identities profiles will then also be used to discriminate against citizens based on the agenda du jour of the powers that be.

As you can see in this tweet thread, Bill Gates and Microsoft are behind this initiative is a BIG WAY, working with both the World Bank and Mastercard.

And, as most everyone knows, Bill Gates is leading the advancement of the global vaccine agenda. So, don’t be surprised when vaccination status is used to discriminate against citizens (in many cases, in violation of their religious freedom) by the private sector, which itself will be coerced to do so.

“Technology is not inherently bad, but we need to make sure that the system(s) being created have our input, are not able to become centralized or monopolized and that human rights and patient privacy comes first. ”– Breeauna Sagdal, Policy Journalist and Editor

As Policy Journalist and Editor-at-Large for the Dakota Leader, Breeauna Sagdal, one of the first journalists to break the story about South Dakota’s Uniform Commercial Code bill, writes,

“There IS synergy between the policies we’re seeing at the state and federal level.


– We’re seeing a push to criminalize DeFi (Decentralized Finance), and the decentralized network,

– We’re watching the real-time creation of the SMART Grid, IoT and “15 minute cities”

– We’re watching the real-time roll out of CBDC and the federal reserve’s instant settlement system known as FedNow.

What I believe is happening;

– The parallel economy is being criminalized in order to centralize control.

– Simultaneously we’re watching the creation of these smart cities as more land is contaminated and water rights are being taken by the federal WOTUS (Waters of the United States) regulations.

I also spoke with a Florida based doctor who is currently using remote tracking technology (The Internet of Bodies as coined by the WEF) to check real-time updates on geriatric patients. These are remote sensors via pill, that track patients internally and uploads data to the cloud.

I strongly believe that in order to maintain our bodily autonomy and sovereignty, we must protect the decentralized parallel economy.”

Technology is not inherently bad, but we need to make sure that the system(s) being created have our input, are not able to become centralized or monopolized and that human rights and patient privacy comes first.

These things are coming quickly, regardless of our personal wishes. But perhaps we can help to steer them in an ethical direction.

Learn more about SB 7 in Missouri here:

3) HCS HB 1165 -Rep. Hicks 

Digital Currency Control Bill

Executive Session vote – POSTPONED in Rules: Legislative Oversight (H).

This bill was vetoed in March in South Dakota. It was withdrawn  in Arkansas, failed in Louisiana, and failed in Kentucky (scroll down to the bill summary for more information about this legislation).

ACTION NEEDED   Please contact committee members. Tell them to vote NO on HCS HB 1165 if it comes back up in committee.

Rep. Jeff Knight 573-751-1490

Rep. Brad Hudson 573-751-3851

Rep. LaKeySha Bosley 573-751-6800

Rep. Cyndi Buchheit-Courtway 573-751-7735

Rep. Jamie Burger 573-751-5471

Rep. Deb Lavender 573-751-4392

Rep. Mike McGirl 573-751-2398

Rep. Bill Owen 573-751-2948

Rep. Adam Schnelting 573-751-5365

Rep. Sarah Unsicker 573-751-2883

Bill Summary:

HCS HB 1165, which is intended to appear like a routine update to Missouri’s Universal Commercial Code (UCC) law, actually lays the groundwork for a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

HCS HB 1165 would fundamentally change key financial definitions in Missouri’s Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) statutes. The UCC is a comprehensive set of laws that governs ALL commercial transactions in the United States. This bill sets up a framework for contract payments using digital currency — but ONLY that which the government authorizes. It redefines “money”, “person”, and over a dozen financial terms that businesses use in interstate commerce and authorizes biometrics and UNKOWN emerging technologies for transactions. Read more about this bill here.

A centralized, federal digital currency means the government could have complete control over ALL transactions — think vaccine passports.

Though this bill is not explicitly promoting a Central Bank Digital Currency, it is saying that ONLY digital currency the UCC laws will legally recognize as “electronic payment” must be “issued by the government”.
It’s like building a highway, even though you might not have the cars to run on it. Scroll down an analysis of the bills with notes about IHC’s concerns.

1) HCS HB 1165 repeals 84 sections of current Uniform Commercial Code law and adds 107 new sections related to the Uniform Commercial Code.

2) Line 90 – Definition of “Money” adding “and is not in an electronic form.” 

In response to concern from the public and legislators about this bill, the sponsor presented a committee substitute and claimed to have taken out all references to the two words, “electronic money”. However, the substitute simply massaged the definitions of “money” and “controllable electronic record” so that nothing was actually changed with regard to which digital currencies will be accepted or not accepted after Article 12 is enacted.

The committee substitute moved page 4 line 93 to page 93 line 7 to the definition of controllable electronic record.

Also, page 5 definition of “person”, the term includes a protected series. This looks to possibly be setting up Limited Liability series with more information on page 28.

3) Line 1 – Definition of “Security procedure”, adding “impose an obligation on the receiving bank or the customer and …. symbols, sounds, biometrics,”. We don’t see a definition in this bill for biometrics and wonder what that would be.

4) Line 49 – line 62 – talks about “powers of the person” and remember the definition of “person” included “individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, joint venture, government, governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, or any other legal or commercial entity. 

Line 57 – is very concerning! “A person that has control under this section is not required to acknowledge that it has control on behalf of another person.” and read through to line 62.

5) Line 39 – “A person that has control under the section is not required to acknowledge that it has control on behalf of a purchaser.”

6) Line 2 – definition of controllable electronic record, line 7 is where they added the phrase that used to be under the definition of money. “400.12-102. (a) In this article: (1) “Controllable electronic record” means a record stored in an electronic medium that can be subjected to control under section 400.12-105. The term does not include a controllable account, a controllable payment intangible, a deposit account, an electronic copy of a record evidencing chattel paper, an electronic document of title, investment property, transferable record, or an electronic record that is currently authorized or adopted by a domestic or foreign government and is not a medium of exchange that was recorded and transferable in a system that existed and operated for the medium of exchange before the medium of exchange was authorized or adopted by a government.

Isn’t this definition of Controllable electronic record making any existing medium of exchange UNAUTHORIZED? Think about that.

7) Line 1, 400.12–105 a person has control of an electronic record if…

This section was referred to on page 93 under the definition of control of electronic record.

8) Lines 29 through 35 The default jurisdiction is the District of Columbia. 

Umm, no thank you!!

Please call the committee members and tell them to vote NO on HCS HB 1165 if it is taken up again in committee. Help us stop this bill!

4) HB 249 – Rep. Busick

Dentists authorized to administer vaccines

ACTION NEEDED  This bill has been referred to Rules – Regulatory Oversight(H). Please contact the committee members below and urge them to vote NO on this bill when they take a vote.

Rep. Kurtis Gregory    573-751-2204 Chair

Rep. Mike Haffner    573-751-3783 Vice-Chair

Rep. Keri Ingle 573-751-1459   

Rep. Scott Cupps 573-751-1488 

Rep. David Evans 573-751-1455  

Rep. Michael O’Donnell 573-751-3762

Rep. Raychel  Proudie 573-751-0855   

Rep. Alex Riley 573-751-2210

Rep. Lane Roberts 573-751-3791   

Rep. Kemp Strickler 573-751-1456      

Bill Summary:

Representative Busick’s HB 249 changes the definition of dentistry to authorize dentists to do something beyond the scope of their practice — to administer an open-ended list of vaccines to individuals, including children as young as seven, with minimal training and no knowledge their medical history.

This bill authorizes dentists to administer vaccines to anyone of any age during a state of emergency with complete protection from liability.

This bill also does not require necessary safety measures such as an observation period after vaccination administration or a safety and emergency protocol in place in the case of anaphylaxis or other adverse reactions and no provision for a safety or emergency protocol in the case of anaphylaxis or other adverse reactions. The prescribing dentist will neither have access to a patient’s doctor nor his/her medical history.

Vaccines are not like vitamins. They can pose serious even deadly risk to individuals that not all medical doctors and nurses are prepared to address, let alone dentists and their staff.

Please contact your Missouri House member and tell them you are OPPOSED to HB 249. Stand by for additional action alerts once this bill has been assigned to a rules committee.

5) HB 1169 – Rep. Holly Jones

Informed Consent -Disclosure and Labeling of Gene Therapy Products.

ACTION NEEDED  This is scheduled for an executive session vote April 19th in Emerging Issues Committee. Please call and email the committee members below and urge them to vote YES on HCS HB 1169.

Rep. Dave Hinman 573-751-2176

Rep. Dane Diehl 573-751-4065

Rep. Jeff Farnan 573-751-9465

Rep. Mike Haffner 573-751-3783

Rep. Bill Hardwick 573-751-3834

Rep. Ashley Aune 573-751-3618

Rep. Bishop Davidson 573-751-2381

Rep. Sherri Gallock 573-751-1344

Rep. Josh Hurlbert 573-751-0246

Rep. Jamie Johnson 573-751-9760

Bill Summary

Rep. Holly Jones’ HCS HB 1169


would simply require disclosure and informed consent for any product which, upon exposure, could infect or transmit a medical intervention or genetic modification.As pharmaceutical companies integrate mRNA injections and other gene-altering therapy technology into our food supply or other products, we need make sure that the food we eat and the products we use on our bodies do not contain these gene-editing technologies. It is reasonable and necessary to require these companies to label their products and let the consumer know what the products contain.

This is a very controversial bill, but extremely popular among Conservative Americans. It is getting a LOT of national press right now as people are learning about the introduction of mRNA vaccines into animals, including wildlife, for the past year.

Learn more about the pharmaceutical companies’ plans for our food supply using mRNA technology here, with an update here.

We have very little time to protect our families and our food supply from these untested technologies. Please take action NOW on HB 1169!

6) SB 100 – Sen. Eigel

Restore gold and silver as legal currency in MO

ACTION NEEDED  This bill was voted DO PASS in the House committee, but provision was added that weakens it.

Please call and email your Missouri House member. Tell them you would support SB 100 if the cryptocurrency language were stripped out. Explain that you want the portion of the bill that Rep. Phil Christofanelli added in committee (which pertains to cryptocurrency) REMOVED.

Find your Missouri Rep here:

Watch this video to learn the latest on this bill:

7) HB 336 – Rep. Boggs

Employer liability for vaccine requirements

ACTION NEEDED  Please contact your Missouri House member and ask them to vote YES on HB 336 on the House floor.

To find your House member here:

HB 336 is the best way to discourage employer mandates. This bill simply says to employers, “If you require vaccinations and your employee is injured, you are liable for damages.” It provides consequences for behavior without telling the employer what to do.

Affirming that there are consequences to employers for injury because of something they require is only logical. Being liable for damages, which could be significant, are enough incentive for employers to decide not to require shots. If an employer requires the a vaccination, it opens them up to punitive damages, pain and suffering, medical expense, lost future earnings, etc. The right to take a case to court is part of our rights in common law – to bring the facts into the courts and make it public. The judge’s decision which interprets Missouri law helps everyone, not just the person injured.

When it comes to injuries from vaccines, the facts speak for themselves and they are on the side of those recommending caution and NO mandates. This bill does a lot.

To get the latest information on IHC legislation and volunteer opportunities, please join our email list.

8) HJR 43 – Rep. Henderson

Initiative Petition Reform

STATUS: On Senate Informal Calendar for Perfection

ACTION: Please tell Senators, especially Senator Koenig, that you appreciate that they are using concurrent majority ratification, but it absolutely MUST apply to petition, legislatively proposed, and constitutional convention amendments.

Find your Missouri Senator here:

The complete list of Missouri Senators is here:

Please sign up for our email list to learn how you can protect health freedom in Missouri!

If you care about health freedom, please join our email list. If you are interested in traveling to the capitol for our Worker Bee Wednesday meetings with legislators, please let us know. We can make a difference if we all work together!


Updated May 2, 2022

Each week, during Missouri’s legislative session (January through May), Informed Health Choice posts a downloadable graphic explaining the bills we are actively promoting. As you can see below, this update includes action steps that anyone can do to help IHC pass the critical bills that protect our health freedom. These easy steps can be done at home, 24/7 with simply an email address and/or a phone.

Check back to for the latest updates. For an interactive .pdf of this week’s alerts, scroll down past the image below and click the download button.


IHCM Legislative Update

May 4, 2022

As the legislative session draws to a close, IHC is still working hard to pass legislation that would preserve our health freedom in Missouri. Unfortunately, however, we are up against considerable opposition from the health lobbyists and the legislators who listen to corporations and the healthcare establishment over individuals.

To follow are the latest on two of the most important bills we have been following this year.

HB 2009
Legislative Oversight Over School Vaccines Requirements | Parental Rights

HB 2009 (Rep. Suzie Pollock) is the most popular bill in the House this year. We have been supporting it since it was filed December 2021.

Over 800 Missourians submitted witness forms in committee in support of this bill. 45 Missouri Representatives have co-sponsored it, which means they added their names to a list of representatives who officially support it.

However, Dean Plocher, the House Majority Floor Leader, who basically holds all the power in the Missouri House of Representatives, won’t let the bill get to the floor. Even when House members had a chance to vote on the language in HB 2009 as an amendment earlier in April, another House member with the support of the floor leader, submitted an amendment that gutted the first amendment, which was actually the text of HB 2009. In effect, he made the language of 2009 null and void except for an exemption form that is nearly the same as what we have now.

Because of the behind-the-scenes dealing of the House Majority Floor Leader, our efforts getting HB 2009 passed have been severely limited. As a result of Plocher’s actions, it’s likely that not enough time is left in this year’s legislative session to get this bill through both houses. Dean Plocher knows that, which is why he has blocked this and other important health freedom bills, while letting other less-important bills through.

We have not given up on HB 2009. Please continue to check back for action alerts on how we can get the provisions in this critical bill into statute to protect parents, children, and medical professionals who want to do what’s best for their patients.

Here is a brief executive summary on why the right to refuse vaccines for our children is so critical to our health freedom.

The information we have on adverse events comes from a system created by the federal government to track vaccine reactions, including death.

VAERS is the most commonly known system to the public, but there are almost a dozen others. Unfortunately, according to both a Harvard study and an MGB study, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are actually reported in the VAERS systems.

To learn more about the tactics used to block HB 2009, read here:

And thank you for continuing to support our efforts, even when we are up against the most powerful lobby in the nation, the healthcare industry. We know that, with God’s help, we can do anything. Thank you for ACTING so quickly we we asked for your help. YOU are the reason this bill has moved as far as it has this session. Thank you!! And please continue to check here and on our social media groups for action alerts and the latest updates.

Every message from constituents count and we are so thankful for every person who has taken time to write and call legislators! Thank you!! We couldn’t do this without you!!
— IHC Legislative Team

HB 1692 – Employer Liability

We did have a victory this week! On Monday, April 25, HB 1692 (Rep. Mitch Boggs) passed the Missouri House of Representatives in a vote of 85-58. It now moves to the Senate where the process begins again.

If passed, HB 1692 would simply make employers liable for injuries caused by the vaccines they mandate as a condition of employment.

It simply says that if you require your employee to get a shot, you have liability if they’re injured. It’s only fair.

The information we have on adverse events comes from a system created by the federal government to track vaccine reactions, including death.

VAERS is the most commonly known system to the public, but there are almost a dozen others. Unfortunately, according to both a Harvard study and an MGB study, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are actually reported in the VAERS systems.

HB 1692 would do more than any legislation we have read so far this year to discourage vaccine mandates, without putting unnecessary burdens on businesses.

Time is running out, however! In order to get this bill through the Senate and to the governor’s desk before the Missouri legislative session ends, by law, on May 30th, we need your full support. So, please continue to be vigilant with us and watch for action alerts that will help us get this critical bill across the finish line.

Check back here at or find us on Facebook (search for IHCM) and other social media for up-to-the-minute information on HB 1692 and all the bills we are following. And, once again, thank you for your support for health freedom!

April 16, 2022
HB 2009
School Vaccines

Betrayal in Jefferson City

Updated April 16, 2022

Thursday, April 14th, two Missouri state legislators, Rep Dean Plocher and Rep Rudy Veit, allowed the ultra-leftist Healthcare Industrial Complex to drive the agenda of unsuspecting members of the Missouri House of Representatives.

On the floor of the Missouri House, Floor Leader, Rep. Dean Plocher, allowed a bill he had previously blocked for weeks, HB 2009, to be brought to the floor as an amendment to another bill. Immediately afterward, Rep Rudy Veit offered an amendment to it, which literally stripped of all but one of its components. When questioned on the floor, Veit explained that he was offering his amendment as an improvement to the bill and the rights of parents, when his amendment actually took away all but one provision in the language — the form for vaccine exemptions.

This stunt was a slap in the face to HB 2009 bill sponsor, Suzie Pollock, and Missouri parents, who had worked so hard all year to pass this bill that would protect their children from DHSS overreach, as all Missourians have witnessed over the past two years with the Covid lockdowns.

See footage of what happened and an explanation in this video:

These legislators were following the bidding of leftist organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Here are examples of their policies from their own documents:

Those involved in grassroots legislation for decades agree that what happened on April 14th tops the list for pettiness and deceit.

Action Item for HB 2009!
Please do this TODAY!

1) Call and email your rep. You can find them here. Tell him/her to demand that House Majority Floor Leader, Rep. Dean Plocher, give HB 2009 a fair chance at debate. See this video for details.

2) Call and email Dean Plocher. Tell him you expect him to put an end to the pettiness and to stop helping the agenda of the leftist AAP. Tell him to allow HB 2009 floor time on April 19th. (Be civilized!)

Rep. Dean Plocher
Ph: 573-751-1544

By law, the Missouri legislature’s 2022 session must end the 2nd week in May. We have just a few weeks to get this legislation passed in Missouri. Please help us make this bill a reality for our Missouri children and parents!

Video courtesy of

Current IHCM Action Items
April 16, 2022


Apr 4, 2022 From

This bill has a long history but it’s never been more important than it is today.

HB 2009, Rep. Suzie Pollock’s bill, would do several great things….

  •  Rein in overreach by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS).
  •  Restore parents’ authority to object to mandated childhood vaccine for religious AND conscientious reasons.
  •  Protect medical professionals’ right to serve their patients in the patient’s best interest.

…but these are my personal top two reasons why we need to get this bill moving again.


Plocher is in control of which bills come to the House floor for perfection. Regardless of how the bill came through committee, it is Plocher’s decision whether or not the bill will be heard on the floor for debate and perfection.

  • Secure religious AND conscientious vaccine exemptions for our children in school WITHOUT jumping through hoops created by the county health departments
  • -No additional vaccines (Covid or otherwise) would be added to the school requirement list WITHOUT legislative approval

He has 100% control of the passage of every bill. One person – total control. That’s just one of the HUGE problems our legislative system has and it desperately needs to be changed…but that’s a story for another day.

This bill has passed easily through two committees and yet is being held hostage by Plocher.

Short Answer: Plocher is a sellout to the lobbyists and he likes to buy and sell the votes of his peers. He doesn’t give a rats rear end about the people of Missouri. His interest is his pockets and his power – that’s about it.

Right now, he’s got the American Academy of Pediatrics to please, so he’d rather do that than protect our kids.

So, what are their priorities? Here are a couple of interest to you right now.

  • Removing RELIGIOUS exemptions on all vaccines
  • REQUIRING more vaccines of children of all ages, including a Covid vaccine for young children.
  • Pro abortion. They even support adolescents ability to get an abortion confidentially.
  • Anti gun. They’d like to see bans on some weapons.
  • Transgender agenda, including boys in girls locker rooms and women’s sports

They obviously want to see this bill die and Plocher is their water boy.

Well, they shouldn’t. But that’s exactly what’s happening.


1. Email & call Plocher’s office until all their inboxes are full.

Phone: 573-751-1544

Write a very SHORT, sincere paragraph and tell him what you want. Here’s an example.

Dear Rep Plocher,
I’m writing to request that you bring HB 2009 to the House floor for perfection. I strongly disagree with any additional vaccines being added to our school requirement list AND we need to protect our right to live according to our conscience. This right is given to us in the MO Constitution in Article 1 Sections 2 and 5.

I am the parent and I have the God-given right to CHOOSE what is best for the health of my children and family. Please put our wishes ahead of the AAP.

Jodi Widhalm
Jefferson City, Missouri


Jim Kalberloh 573-751-4065

Jamie Burger 573-751-5471

Bill Owen 573-751-2948

Sean Pouche 573-751-6593

Randy Railsback 573-751-0246

John Wiemann 573-751-2176

Ron Hicks 573-751-9768

Travis Smith 573-751-2042

Dave Griffith 573-751-2412

Here’s an example:

Dear _,

It has come to my attention that you co-sponsored HB 2009 but removed your cosponsorship. I’d like to know why and urge you to reconsider. Please support this bill and PARENT CHOICE in making healthcare decisions for their children.

I want HB 2009 to pass because…..(keep it short & sweet).

I’m looking forward to your response.


If you don’t know who your rep is, you can enter your home address and find out on the House website.

You can find a list of all the representatives HERE. Filter by party to see the Republicans.

IHC Action Alerts
Updated 4.4.22

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